Saturday, February 28, 2009

9 years old and . . . what?!

This story is disgusting, but nothing new. After all, pregnant at 9 is not much difference that 10 or 11, right?,27574,25122026-23109,00.html

Hope they hang the guy. That is one sick puppy that needs to be put down.

Here, in the good old USA, Planned Parenthood and the liberal courts protect the "reproductive rights" of teenagers.

What is interesting from a biological perspective is that the kid was able to conceive at 9. That bodes ill for the "rats" in the long term.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sell Alaska, Sarah!

Note: 3 Alaska Soldiers were killed in Iraq on 23 Feb. Please remember them and their families in your prayers. They did their duty for you and me.

Gov. Sarah Palin must now reimburse the State of Alaska for about $7,000 in travel for her children. The State ruled that unless the kids were along for a compelling service to the State, their cost was hers to bear.

It is disappointing that our Governor did not adhere to this policy.

Sarah Palin is an intelligent woman. However, obviously a buck is important to her. She is charging the State for anything and everything, and then claiming that she is saving the State money by staying in Wasilla.

Unfortunately, the continuing controversy is keeping Alaska’s business from being the priority.

The dems are writing checks that the rest of us are not going to be able to pay. Government at every level will be looking to the tax payer to repay the massive spending that is taking place. Pelosi et al in Congress are ready with another $450 billion in largess to the democrat demi god of socialism at any cost. Every failed program is being resurrected, government is being expanded at the greatest rate in the history of this country. Our President’s first address to Congress was met with another downturn on Wall St.

Remember, only $90 billion of $780 billion was to be spent on infrastructure improvements and maintenance.

Sen. Mark Begich whitewashed Obama’s speech, a speech that had nothing to offer in the way of a light at the end of the tunnel, other than to say that government is the end to all means. It should be noted that Sen. Begich did not consult with the Governor before he handed his wish list to Sen. Reid.

That President Barack H. Obama allowed an ideologue like Nancy Pelosi to draft his stimulus package behind closed doors to the exclusion of most of the House and the absolute exclusion of any discussion on the floor of the House demonstrates that this President does not have a plan and is letting the far left dictate direction. This bodes ill for Alaska.

Yet, Alaska could provide billions to the U.S. Treasury. Billions upon billions.

ANWR could be developed to reduce foreign oil imports and to generate revenue for Uncle Sam and Alaska.

North Slope natural gas could be brought to market in the lower-48 states or sold to foreign markets to generate revenue for the U.S. and Alaska.

Alaska’s mineral wealth could be developed to benefit the Treasury of the United States and Alaska.

Instead, the U.S. taxpayer, read you and me, will pay the bill on the most counter intuitive economic recovery plan since the Great Depression. Spending one’s way out of “broke” cannot work.

Alaska is in the unenviable place of being placed back on the shelf until the U.S. needs Alaska’s resources for whatever reason. The Trans Alaska Pipeline System was the result of an oil embargo in 1973.

What is preventing Alaska from going to work to benefit the United States Treasury and to relieve the burden of repayment of the “stimulus package” that will be borne on the backs of you and me and our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren?

Why should we bear the burden when Alaska’s resources have the potential to carry part of that burden?

What will it take to get Alaska’s North Slope natural gas to market?

What will it take to get ANWR opened to oil and gas exploration and development?

What will it take to get Congress to amend ANILCA to allow Alaska to build a rational surface transportation infrastructure and allowAlaska to gain access to mineral and metal resources?

These are the challenges that Gov. Sarah Palin faces.

Gov. Sarah Palin and Alaska’s congressional delegation need to be selling the benefits of Alaska’s resources to the U.S. to . . . us, the taxpayers who will be bearing the burden of repayment of this socialist expansion. Not Congress. Not the President. Us. We the People.

Best Sarah Palin shed the need to justify her every action and respond to every slight. Best she gets with the program and sells Alaska. This is where she can use the recognition she accrued from the V.P. campaign to benefit Alaska and the U.S. taxpayer.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Change the Paradigm of Education

Alaska has for too long accepted the current paradigm of education funding. Our school boards and the State Legislature and our Governors have been complacent in their acquiescence of an ever increasing regulatory burden in the classroom imposed by the federal government. In many instances this regulation has little or nothing to do with literacy, physical fitness, or logic, but has everything to do with imposing a social agenda that is anti-family, promotes the homosexual agenda, anti-religion, and anti-everything about the history and culture of the United States.

The agenda of the socialist aspect of the indoctrination of our children is fraught with the politically correct, rather than the reality of what these kids need to prepare them for life in our society and to compete in a global market place. Education was supposed to give them the basic tools: literacy, a certain level of understanding and competence in math and science, an understanding of geography, an understanding of our government and our justice system, and an understanding of history.

I recently learned of what may be an insidious attempt by the Anchorage School District (ASD) to indoctrinate through Health Education. Instead of the classroom elementary teachers having health as one of their subjects, that subject will now be taught by a Health curriculum team from outside of the school who are going to be specifically trained. Trained in what is now the question.

This may be the means by which ASD incorporates the homosexual, anti-family agenda into the classroom. In other districts in the U.S., it is Health Education that is used to incorporate sexual orientation and sex education into elementary education at the lowest elementary grade levels.

What ASD does, Matanuska-Susitna School District will soon attempt.

Instead of teaching our children to compete in an ever more competitive global economy, our federal Dept. of Education seems to believe that it is more important that a first grader understand sexual orientation, transgenderism, lack of personal accountability, and whether or not the kid can place a condom on a banana correctly. Reading and writing are obviously not a priority, given the number of kids that are illiterate and incapable of doing basic math, but who are graduated from high school in the name of not wanting to embarrass the kid by requiring meaningful graduation standards that must be met.

Society then pays the price for that failure through the criminal justice system. Society also pays otherwise as the labor force is then deficient and undereducated, meaning employers are forced to look overseas for qualified people.

We have killed our replacement native workforce through abortion, and must now import that labor. As bad, we have impeded our young from qualifying for the job market by our acquiescence to a crippled education system.

The lack of responsibility promoted by the feds and NEA in our schools encourages out of wedlock pregnancies that fuel the abortion industry.

How can we turn this mess around and return our schools to educating our young to be competitive, literate, responsible, good citizens who have pride in their American heritage?

Get rid of the federal funding for our schools.

The Supreme Court has ruled that there is no obligation incurred if a subdivision of government refuses federal funds.

The Dept. of Education states in its on line document titles “10 Facts About Education Funding:

“8. . . . Any state that does not want to abide by a federal program's requirements can simply choose not to accept the federal funds associated with that program. . . . in the past, a few states have forgone funds for various reasons.”

Federal funding comprises 8.9% of education funding in the U.S., up from 5.7% in 1991.

Federal funds comprise 3% of ASD’s budget for education.

Federal funds comprise approximately 66% of the regulatory burden imposed upon the classroom, including non-education related social experimentation.

Alaska can afford to eliminate the federal burden upon education. Alaska can go its own way. Alaska can end the social experiment and return education as the primary purpose of our schools.

Let our teachers teach literacy, math, science, and history. Let our teachers demand and receive from our children . . . excellence!

Let us change this mess, and remove federal regulation and federal interference from our classrooms in Alaska.

Sarah Palin, where is the new deal in the State’s education program? Why is it just more of the same under your administration?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sarah Palin and her lack of priorities . . .

In a press conference yesterday, Gov. Sarah Palin indicated that former Attorney General Talis Colberg's resignation was a sign of pre-gubernatorial ambitions on the part of some legislators.

This is typical of Palin to blame others for her problems. Worse, why is she even continuing to publically speak about Colberg's resignation when she has soooo much on her plate? A distraction, nothing more, but typical of Sarah Palin.

Gov. Sarah Palin is sensitive to any criticism and quick to respond. She has yet to understand that the Governor's reputation and station are above petty nonsense and that she should not drag the Office of the Governor down into the muck to express her ire at every little perceived slight. The Governor’s only focus should be the people of Alaska and Alaska.

There are those who believe that she has been ill served by her advisors. This reflects poorly on
the Governor, as she made a major production of only selecting the "best and brightest" to her cabinet and as her advisors. The buck stops at her desk, not anywhere else.

With Administrative Order 238, Sarah created the Climate Change Sub-Cabinet. Climate Change Strategies, the managing entity, is funded by anti-development, pro-abortion advocates. This Climate Change Sub-Cabinet espouses the position that global warming is firm science. Alaska is now an observer to the Western Climate Initiative. WCI’s goals will definitely cost Alaskans money.

In Palin's defense, it can be stated that she had a tough row to hoe in her first two years in office. The Alaska Natural Gas Incentive Act (AGIA) to get Alaska's North Slope natural gas to market has been a compelling priority. Concurrent with that effort, is the need to get North Slope natural gas to south central Alaska and Alaska's two largest cities. Fairbanks does not have natural gas, and Anchorage and the rest of the Cook Inlet will run out of natural gas by 2012-2014.

There is also criticism that the AGIA initiative was a wasted effort. The belief among those critics is that Gov. Palin should have worked with Exxon, Conoco, and BP to get a natural gas pipeline built. Unfortunately, it does not look like Trans Canada will get any further any faster than Exxon was telling the State it would take to start construction when Frank Murkowski was governor.

The Conoco-Phillips Denali Natural Gas Pipeline project has to be a source of distraction to our Governor, given that it is competition to AGIA.

In her first year in office, trying to be everything to all people, Palin did a George Bush and submitted the largest budget in the State's history, thereby growing government. Her lack of fiscal restraint is in direct contravention to her campaign stance of being fiscally conservative and her espousing a “smaller government is better” philosophy. Neither of which appears to be true.

The State is running a $1.65 billion deficit this year due to the drop in oil prices. The Palin Administration seemingly cannot cope with that fact and submit a budget reflecting that reality.
Those wishing her to run for national office should first reflect on her lack of budgetary discipline as governor.

There is criticism by local pundits and political critics that her administration is unfocused, and only responsive to opinion polls.

The controversy over Emmonak asking for aid from the State has not helped Gov. Sarah Palin come across as focused and prioritized.

Under Palin, Alaska does not have any clear economic direction, other than the pipeline. Resource development is still rape and run. Palin has not been able to focus on trying to change a resource extraction economy to a value added resource development economy, something she campaigned on.

Myself and many other Alaskans who supported Sarah Palin are still awaiting the Sarah Palin we elected to office: fiscal conservative, small government, Alaska First!, transparency and open government. As Sarah PAC demonstrates, Sarah Palin has other ambitions.

Being just Governor Sarah Palin is not enough.

Too bad.

We were worth her time and effort.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama sends a letter, George W. Bush called the family. . . .

Pres. Obama in his address to the nation this date stated that he signed letters to the families of those 4 G.I.s killed in Iraq by an IED today.

George W. Bush called the families personally of each and every soldier, sailor, Marine, and airman killed in the service of this country during his tenure as President.

That ladies and gentlemen is the difference between a Commander-in-Chief and a pretender. Our troops will get the message, and I am willing to bet that before Obama's first term is completed, the Marines who stand to assist those on and off the helicopters will once again refuse to about face to receive any orders from the President once he has exited the aircraft.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why a baby was born alive, THEN killed . . .

A baby was born at 23 weeks to an unwed 18 year old. The baby was born while awaiting the arrival of the doctor who was the abortionist. Prior to the arrival of the doctor, the clinic's co-owner cut the umbilical cord, threw the kid on the floor to bleed out, then sealed the baby in a disposable bio hazard bag and threw the now deceased child in the trash!

Badly botched abortion?

No. Murder.

Murder, like a partial birth abortion that our President condones and our Speaker Nancy Pelosi grows excited to promote as being necessary to the good health of the . . . mother.

Obama looks at his girls with a loving father's eyes. Yet, he orders the death of untold thousands of the unborn in the U.S. and abroad with the stroke of a pen. How can he in all good conscience reconcile the death of the unborn with his daughters in his presence?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was almost breathless with excitement as she described to the interviewer the need to kill the unborn to save the states . . . money.

My God, what have we done to ourselves that our value of the preservation of life, something our enemies on the battlefield relied upon as our troops would sacrifice themselves to recover the bodies of fallen comrades, has become abhorrent to some Americans. So abhorrent that an American could take a live baby and kill the child without remorse? Worse, without apparent fear of the law in doing so.

A child who by law should have been accorded the full measure of the protection of the Constitution, because by the abortion loving liberals' own declarations, the child was a live birth and, therefore, a "person".

Look at the social agenda on .

This is all part of the cheapening of our children by the liberals.

I fully believe that there is an amoral movement, whether planned or just a social devolution, to undermine the family value of life and the worth of the child. To ultimately sexualize the child and desensitize society until all the inhibitions of one's morality, religion, beliefs, character, integrity, and values are compromised to the point that the child becomes . . . a toy for adults to exploit and use until the kid grows up enough to defend his/herself. However, the idea is that then the kid becomes what made him/her, and the cycle will go on and on and on.

Somewhat anti-Christian-Judeo in scope and execution, don't you think?

Ever hear of the North American Man Boy Love Association? NAMBLA openly advocates the use of boys as sexual objects. That this homosexual perversion has been allowed to exist is a credit to the perversity of the ACLU lawyers, many of whom have been indicted and convicted of child sex crimes. Adult males exploiting male children. NAMBLA by any other name.

Ruthie bad girl Ginsberg our Supreme Court Justice and former ACLU and child sex advocate wrote that the age for consensual sex should be lowered to 12 for girls.

What was this 18 year old girl doing in an abortion clinic?

Well, thanks to Planned Parenthood, the hard work of the democrat party, Speaker Pelosi's life long devotion to the cult of killing the unborn for the sake of convenience, National Organization of Women (we hate men, and we don't need any stinking men), NAMBLA, Bill Clinton (I never had sex with that woman and who caused an explosion in the tongue stud industry for young girls and women as a result), and various population control freaks funded by liberal foundations who all have worked hard since the 60s on initiatives to reduce the worth of children, not to forget the media's continual sexualization of our children, is it any wonder that this kid ended up in an abortion clinic instead of an outreach program for unwed mothers?

(How's that for a run on sentence? )

Every time I see an adolescent female with a tongue stud, I wonder just how gullible are the parents, or how envious the mother? There is only one purpose in having such an item installed and it ain't to suck lollipops. Such cheapening accoutrement's send a very clear message to the male population. S-L-U-T.

We parents must not accede to the wishes of young girls who want to emulate manufactured "popular" culture "icons" such as Britney Spears and Hanna Montana. Any parent that lets their female progeny dress inappropriately is a fool and putting their kid in danger. Dad's need to be the judge of his daughter's dress, if mom suffers some sort of sick desire to "live through the kid". Somebody has to act like an adult and care for the kid's safety!

Pastors need to comment to mom and dad if the girls are not dressed appropriately.

Chastity in a girl is something to value, not a derogatory.

No wonder the homosexuals and the socialist left hate Christianity. Morality, once instilled is hard to erase. It can be tarnished, but not erased. Guilt is still there for any act the individual knows is wrong.

Mao Tse Dung had a policy of killing all individuals over 10 years of age when the communist Chinese went into a village to make an example. Why over 10?

At 10 years, the Chicoms believed that the moral character and core beliefs of the individual were ingrained so deeply that no matter what the commies did, that individual could never be trusted.

What do we as Americans, parents, grandparents and Christians do about the assault on our children? Pray. Vote for pro-life candidates. Make our lives an example, and do not remain quiet while our children and our freedoms disappear to the demagoguery of the left. Fight them, challenge the left, force them back into the dark and out of the light. Make organizations NAMBLA cease to exist and the ACLU irrelevant.

Unfortunately, the new Deputy AG for the U.S. is a guy who fought to keep access to porn unfettered in our public libraries along with a defense of the homosexual, anti-family agenda. Porn and homosexual anything before the safety of our kids. Why, that is free speech to be protected, but conservative talk radio is something to be restricted? That's a good lib for you.

(No, I am not a homophobe, just concerned and aware of the agenda of the politically active homosexual extremists.)

Our forefathers were incredibly prescient in their construction of this social experiment we call the United States. One of the attributes they considered indispensable to the health and welfare of the nation and its people was the idea of morality and a belief in God. Without this foundation, the U.S. would cease to exist, and its people doomed to subjugation by those willing to sacrifice their integrity and morality to gain power.

Pray for the United States.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nancy Pelosi--where do we get these people?!!!

Check this out.

Pelosi claims that 500,000,000 Americans lose their jobs per month!

What a moron!

See it here:

One has to wonder. . . .

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Change the paradigm of education!

Alaska has for too long accepted the current paradigm of education funding. Our school boards and the State Legislature and our Governors have been complacent in their acquiescence of an ever increasing regulatory burden in the classroom imposed by the federal government. In many instances this regulation has little or nothing to do with literacy, physical fitness, or logic, but has everything to do with imposing a social agenda that is anti-family, anti-religion, and anti-everything about the history and culture of the United States.

The agenda of the socialist aspect of the indoctrination of our children is fraught with the politically correct, rather than the reality of what these kids need to prepare them for life in our society and to compete in a global market place. Education was supposed to give them the basic tools: literacy, a certain level of understanding and competence in math and science, an understanding of geography, and an understanding of history.

After all, those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it.

I recently learned of what may be an insidious attempt by the Anchorage School District (ASD) to indoctrinate through Health Education. Instead of the classroom elementary teachers having health as one of their subjects, that subject will now be taught by a Health curriculum team from outside of the school who are going to be specifically trained. Trained in what is now the question.

This may be the means by which ASD incorporates the homosexual, anti-family agenda into the classroom. In other districts in the U.S., it is Health Education that is used to incorporate sexual orientation and sex education into elementary education at the lowest elementary grade levels.

What ASD does, Matanuska Susitna School District will soon attempt.

Instead of teaching our children to compete in an ever shrinking global economy, our federal Dept. of Education seems to believe that it is more important that a first grader understand sexual orientation, transgenderism and whether or not the kid can place a condom on a banana correctly. Reading and writing are obviously not a priority, given the number of kids that are illiterate and incapable of doing basic math, but who are graduated from high school in the name of not wanting to embarrass the kid by requiring meaningful graduation standards that must be met.

Society then pays the price for that failure through the criminal justice system. Society also pays otherwise as the labor force is then deficient and undereducated, meaning employers are forced to look overseas for qualified people.

When I was Iowa working this last year, I was surprised and disturbed at the number of Pakistanis, Indians, Mexicans, and other latinos in the work force there.

We have killed our replacement workforce through abortion and must now import that labor. And, we have impeded our young from qualifying for the job market by our acquiescence to a crippled education system.

How can we turn this mess around and return our schools to education of our young to be competitive, good citizens who have pride in their American heritage?

Get rid of the federal funding for our schools.

The Supreme Court has ruled that there is no obligation incurred if a subdivision of government refuses federal funds.

Federal funding comprises 8.9% of education funding in the U.S.

Federal funds comprise 3% of ASD’s budget for education.

Federal funds comprise 66% of the regulatory burden imposed upon the classroom including non-education related social experimentation.

Carol Como, Superintendent of Schools has stated that there are districts in U. S. that do not take federal funds for their schools.

Alaska can afford to eliminate the federal burden upon education. Alaska can go its own way. Alaska can end the social experiment that is our schools and return education to the dominance that it should have as the primary purpose of those schools.

Let our teachers teach, not transgenderism, not homosexual this and that, but literacy, math, science, and history. Let them demand and receive from our children . . . excellence!

Let us change this mess, and remove federal regulation and federal interference from our classrooms in Alaska.

Sarah Palin, where is the new deal in education? Why is it just more of the same under your administration?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mt. Redoubt and Mt. Spurr


I went through a couple of Mt. Redoubt's eruptions. Nothing spectacular, but there are issues that one must be aware of.
Pumice ash is very corrosive, being jagged and very sharp. Not good for the lungs or the intake for any engine. Aircraft windshields and cabin windows are easily scored by pumice ash. It is a good idea to wear a mask when outdoors when the stuff is falling. Changing the air filter in the car or truck is something one should do at least once a week, more often, depending upon the mileage one is accruing.
The Alaska Volcano Observatory has a web cam on an oil rig in Cook Inlet, courtesy of UNOCAL.
I can't see Mt. Redoubt from my house, but we can see Spurr on a very clear day. The Alaska Volcano Observatory has a webcam for Mt. Spurr:
Mt. Spurr is another volcano in the Alaska Range that has recent activity and is always one to be aware of.
A volcano eruption is a pretty impressive event. The last time Redoubt blew, it spewed ash all over the Matanuska-Susitna Valley and down the Kenai, covering the Anchorage bowl. Pretty impressive. Blocked the sun for a couple of days and stopped air traffic into and out of Anchorage and Elmendorf AFB.
The last eruption of Redoubt was in the Spring and there was snow on the ground. Snow, soon covered by ash.
My wife teaches third grade for Anchorage School District and she is looking forward to the event so that she can acquire more ash for science exhibits and examination by the kids.
Interestingly enough, given the non stop press on the potential for an eruption by Redoubt, some of the kids are pretty concerned and very afraid. I think the press can knock off the gloom and doom and report the event when it happens, and otherwise, inform, but do not over sensationalize. There is no excuse for making more out of something than what it actually is.
There is a definite difference between reporting the news and sensationalizing to no good purpose, other than ratings.
The eruption of Redoubt is not something that is life threatening for anyone in my area. Were the mountain to do a "Krakatoa", then Kenai might suffer the blast shock, but is still far enough away that the damage would be minimal. The biggest danger is visibility when the ash comes down and any potential damage from sucking the ash into one's lungs or the intake of an aircraft or vehicle engine.
Use common sense about all of this, and everything will be fine.

Volcanoes are a fact of life in Alaska.
Learn to live with the beast and one is fine. Worrying about something that may or may not happen is foolish. Sooner or later a volcano someplace in Alaska poofs some ash. Some are doing so continually. Mountain ranges in Alaska have many volcanoes. Alaska is on the "ring of fire" and tectonically active.
Volcanoes do not worry me. Another 9.2 earthquake does. We are way overdue for a major earthquake event in the Anchorage bowl and my area.
When Redoubt blows, it will be something to remark upon, put up with and nothing more. A unique event for the kids to understand.
Once one has been through a 9.2 earthquake and volcanic events, one appreciates just how insignificant the human race is and how little impact we have on this ball of dirt.
How arrogant are those who believe that we are the causation of "global warming". Given that it is now -15F at my place right now, I am very much looking forward to the impact of global warming!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sarah Palin--she's baaaack!


The Road to Nome, a long overdue improvement to the State's overland infrastructure is now being proposed by Gov. Palin. This is the first time there has been support by any administration since Walter Hickle in the late 60s.

Even more telling is the beginning of a thaw between Exxon and the State with the approval by DNR for Exxon to drill two gas wells at Pt. Thompson this year, along with building necessary pad and ice road support infrastructure. Granted, a long way to go to settle the State's angst against Exxon for delaying and setting upon gas leases when Alaska and the United States could use the royalties and natural gas. The natural gas would offset Middle East sources, meaning less money to the terrorists and cheaper gas for Americans.

The progress towards the start of a 24 inch natural gas in-state pipeline from the North Slope to Palmer or Anchorage is positive with a potential completion in 2014. That's cutting it too close for my liking in terms of completion before Cook Inlet reserves are depleted, but at least it is a date.

The Healy coal power generation plant sale to Golden Valley Electric is another good decision. The new power plant will reduce costs to central Alaska power consumers and demonstrate that a clean coal generation facility is a necessary and viable power generation technology for Alaska and the U.S. That plant has set idle for better than 10 years after a tremendous investment by the Dept. of Energy and the State of Alaska.

Now, if Sarah will get spending under control and show us the "fiscal conservative" side of the Palin Administration, the Sarah Palin I voted for and supported will be occupying the Governor's office.

The next item should be a vocal and public challenge by our Governor to the ANILCA restrictions regarding rights of way. The Izembek NWR land swap is an indication of unfairness in ANILCA. The State of Alaska should be allowed to build roads as it needs them and where it deems fit, just as every other State has been allowed to do so. To deny Alaska is to impose a restriction that is bad faith with respect to the intent of our Statehood Compact.


Obama, Jimmy Carter by any other name

Barak Obama is pursuing a propaganda game to paint the recession as being the worst since the Great Depression. In reality, it is not as bad--YET--as the debacle of our economy shepherded by President and peanut farmer Jimmy Carter in the late 70s early 80s.

Before Ronald Reagan took office, Carter had managed to bungle the economy into 18% inflation. In Alaska, interest rates at local banks were up to 22% to offset the declining value of the dollar.

Obama's messages have had a common note. Things are worse than they have ever been, things will get worse, and the feds need to squander our taxes in ponzi schemes for the inept jerks on Wall Street, at Fannie Mae, Freedie Mac, and in Congress. What he does not say, is that the PRC is not going to buy our debt, which means the fed is printing money, and that means . . . inflation will soon rear its ugly head. One cannot print a $trillion dollars and expect the dollar to be unscathed on the world market.

Inflation is the only certain outcome of the "we gotta throw money at it" and the "quick, we gotta throw MORE money at it!" policy of Obama/Pelosi and the "compassionate conservative" read "appease liberals by out liberaling them in spending" Bush before him.

Inflation is an economic killer. All of us will feel the impact of an inflationary spiral resulting from the printing of more money to promote the liberal agenda and the unbridled growth of government. The price of bread, milk, sugar, gasoline, clothes, diapers . . . everything will go up. The poor and the rich alike will pay more and more and more as prices rise weekly.

In Zimbabwe, a loaf of bread is now a TRILLION of their currency. The government had to print trillion denomination notes. The money is worthless.

That is exactly what your government is now doing. Printing more money and making it worth less.

I remember the Carter years and the last year of Nixon and price controls. Nixon had an oil embargo to deal with. Carter had the aftermath. Worse, Iran underwent an Islamic revolution that resulted in the take over of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and our embassy personnel being held hostage, 5 dead Airforce and Marine personnel, and a burned out C130 and H53 helicopter left in the desert in the abortive attempt to free those hostages.

Carter's solutions to his economic woes and the challenge by Iran's Islamic regime? Spend more, put on a sweater, and talk. The U.S. was shown to be weak and ineffective in protecting its embassy in Tehren, something that ended with the election of Ronald Reagan and the freeing of the hostages.

Reagan became president and there was hope. Unlike Obama who continually reinforces why bigger government and unbridled spending is necessary, Reagan called for tax cuts and gave reasons why we should have faith in ourselves and the country--not the government. Reagan's speeches continually told us that smaller government was better, and that we could spend our money better than government, that tax cuts meant we would keep more of our money.

Obama just tells us to give more to the government. That the government that made the mess will spend us out of our economic problems.

No. Inflation will be the result.

Inflation will hurt the poor and the middle class more than any.

Obama/Pelosi have us on a course for disaster.

Contact your Congressional delegation in the House and Senate and tell them that you want tax cuts, and you want the spending to cease. Otherwise, things will get worse. Inflation will result, and then we will risk a long term depression.

In the mean time, save your money, be frugal, and use as little gasoline as you have to. The less gas you use, the lower the price at the pump. That was the only "positive" outcome of the high prices we paid this summer.

After all, it is our savings that banks and credit unions use for loan capital, not money from the government. Government ownership of these institutions is just asking for worse yet economically. As screwed up as Washington D. C. is, what do you think will happen to our loan institutions with government ownership and meddling?

What was it that created the home mortgage subprime mess? Pelosi, Barney Frank and Harry Reid and their ilk, with the complicity of George Bush trying to influence the next election by showing that Republicans could out lib the libs. Fools, one and all, and we will pay the price.

Yell at your local governments to cut their spending, and not increase your taxes at the cash register and for your property.

If we do not stop the lies coming from the Whitehouse and Pelosi/Reid, the United States is headed for a socialist experiment that will result in utter devastation of the free market economy and in an over burdensome and oppressive government.

If this idiocy continues, we will see a Great Depression, the depression of Obama/Pelosi.

It is time the Republicans in Congress started calling Obama on his characterizations of the economic situation. And, you and I paid more attention to why no tax cuts and less spending versus more spending and bigger government.