Friday, May 22, 2009

Shielding us from Terrorism

President Barack Obama told the graduating class at the United State s Naval Academy that if the United States upholds its values, that doing so will shield us from terror.

The question his speech raised with me was simply: To which values was he referring?

To President Obama and his party, killing babies in the womb is a right under the Constitution. How will the slaughter of the innocent shield us from terrorism?

To President Obama and his party, viewing pornography in public libraries is a right under the Constitution. How will this value “shield” us from terrorism?

To President Obama and his party, Christian values and morality are hateful and bigotry, with those practicing the religion characterized as aberrant. What is the value in this case that will “shield” us from terrorism?

To President Obama and his party, the traditional family is something to be despised and attacked at every opportunity. How will breaking down 10,000 years of human behavior “shield” us from terrorism?

To President Obama and his party, exercising free political speech in opposition to his and his party’s policies and initiatives is something that should be silenced. Since when is silencing the opposition anything but political repression?

To President Obama and his party, the 2d Amendment is not what it says, and the American people should be disarmed, so that those in power need not fear the many. This is definitely a “value” that those who hate us fear. Why then, does this value of the right of self defense and insurance against government overstepping scare the liberal mind so?

To President Obama and his party, Speaker Nancy Pelosi lying about what she was briefed on regarding interrogation techniques employed against terrorists is a value to be upheld. How do lies “shield” us from terrorism?

Conversely, the defense of the American people after 9-11 by former administration officials is suspect and subject to investigation for possible criminal indictment. How does this political hypocrisy, amounting to an outright purge of the previous administration’s appointed officials, “shield” us from terrorism?

To President Obama and his party, the rape of the American taxpayer is the spoils of political war. The outright blatant influence by Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein to benefit their husband’s businesses and the blatant influence by Rep. Jack Murtha of Haditha accusation fame to achieve the award of sole-source contracts to his nephew by the Pentagon should bring criminal indictments, not silence. Will this blatant corruptionl “shield” us from terrorism?

To President Obama and his party, the Great American Revolution and the sacrifice of our Forefathers in creating the United States are to be viewed with embarrassment and regret. How will this rejection of our history “shield” us from anything, but divisiveness from within and deepen the contempt of our enemies?

To President Obama and his party, diversity is something to be valued above unity and patriotism. That the American culture is inferior and to be placed second to any other corrupt, backward, repressive culture and religion. How will this weakening of pride and confidence in ourselves as Americans serve to “shield” us from terrorism?

The values that will shield us from terrorism are simple. The 2009 Class of our military academies understand these three words only too well: DUTY, HONOR, COUNTRY. That and the American values that are so often ignored these days by those who benefit from overwhelming government overreach into every aspect of our lives: self-reliance and responsibility for one’s actions. These are the only values that will shield us from those who hate us.

After all, it is this President who eschewed the values imparted by our Judeo-Christian heritage by stating that the U.S. is not a Christian nation. Yet, the Ten Commandments are the underlying foundation of western juris prudence. The very rule of law that was the point of the President’s speech.

Talking about values protecting us is specious. Acting against the threat is duty. Fighting the enemy according to the rules of war is honor. Doing so is acting in defense of country.

Pres. Obama’s and his party’s values and those of his troops are ultimately at odds.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Governor Sarah Palin's 17 May ADN Compass about the NG pipeline

Governor Sarah Palin’s May 17th Compass response to recent criticisms regarding AGIA is simply specious. Factual support was glaringly absent.

Nothing Governor Sarah Palin wrote gave any indication whatsoever of the Palin Administration having any start date on construction for the AGIA line, much less an in-state line to the Anchorage area. Her statements were all too familiar.

Remember former Governor Frank Murkowski’s assertions of a ‘contract’ to build a pipeline to the Midwest? That turned out to be nothing but a PR ploy and wishful thinking. Now, Sarah is telling us that she is ‘keeping all options’ open.

Unfortunately, those options are AGIA and an as yet undetermined route for a 24 inch bullet line to south central, which will not be completed until the production in Cook Inlet has dropped beyond keeping Chugach Electric’s natural gas turbines running all year. At some point, if a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope does not deliver natural gas to south central by, say 2012, a decision will have to be made whether we heat homes with that gas or use the gas to provide electricity. There will not be enough natural gas to both provide power and heat homes.

A bullet line from the North Slope is essential to keep south central Alaska in heat and power.

Then candidate Sarah Palin supported an all-Alaska route for a natural gas pipeline during the campaign. I wrote about her position on that matter, and in support of the all-Alaska pipeline route to Valdez. Why did she change her position after taking office?

Why, in the face of all the negative commentary on her part regarding Frank Murkowski’s pipeline proposal during her gubernatorial campaign, did Sarah Palin go with AGIA? AGIA is a dead end. No different than Knowles’ or Murkowski’s large diameter pipe dreams.

Impacting this situation are new drilling technologies and strategies that have tripled the production from the massive shale natural gas deposits in the lower 48.

Why would the oil companies invest $25 billion to $50 billion to build a big pipeline when they could put the money to better use improving production technologies for the shale deposits and plugging that production into existing domestic natural gas distribution systems already in place in the lower 48?

With increasing shale deposit production, and the increase in receiving capacity for LNG in the U.S. to 4.5 bcf per day, where does Alaska natural gas fit into the domestic U.S. market?

Answer: it does not.

We missed the proverbial boat.

It does not take a genius to figure out that AGIA is now a dead end.

Yet, Alaska could have had a pipeline transporting natural gas to Valdez down the TAPS corridor and to the world market by LNG tanker within this decade, had Sarah followed through with her support of an all-Alaska option for moving our natural gas to market.

Unfortunately, Gov. Sarah Palin has joined her predecessors in their predilection towards the colonial economic model of raping Alaska’s resources though extraction without any in-state value added use of gas liquids contained in the North Slope deposits. Neither AGIA nor Conoco-Phillips Denali Project has any provisions for using Alaska’s gas liquids in-state. Under both AGIA and Denali, the gas liquids all go to the Canadians, with those jobs and infrastructure lost to Alaska.

The 2 bcf/day pipeline down TAPS to Valdez with a spur to Palmer from Glennallen would eliminate all of the uncertainties and controversy surrounding the viability of AGIA and which route is best for a spur line. Provision for in-state use of the liquids would also make this a truly value added resource development project. This is a project that could be built within 5 years.

ANGDA was created to manage exactly this sort of project.

Gone out of Sarah Palin’s vocabulary is much of what she campaigned on. In its place is vagary and specious promises all too familiar from the Murkowski days. In this regard, she has become what she replaced.

Face it Sarah, AGIA is dead.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

President Obama and his new taxes--junk food

Recently, the President of the United States made a startling revelation at a town hall meeting in New Mexico. He gave a bleak appraisal of the future if the U.S. continues out of control spending. Pres. Obama said that the U.S. cannot expect foreign governments, notably the PRC, to continue to buy U.S. debt. He further went on to say that the end result will be higher interest rates for U.S. consumers.

This is an admission on the part of the President of the United States that his policies and his budget will result in inflation. Raising interest rates is a mechanism to control the rise in monetary supply.

Pres. Obama admitted that future generations will be saddled with repayment of an ever increasing debt burden due to the interest accruing on the deficits created by his excessive spending.

The deficit for this year is now adjusted upward to $1.82 TRILLION. An impossibly high number for we normal folks to grasp. Or so Pelosi, Reid and Pres. Obama hope, anyway.

The President proposed $17 billion in budget cuts from this year’s budget to show he is sensitive to the impact of his and Pelosi’s budget. However, he plans another $81 billion in additional spending.

A recent report on the Lou Dobbs show on CNN revealed that the average federal employee saddles the U.S. taxpayer with a total of $78,000 in wages and benefits. Whereas, the average yearly salary and benefits cost of employees in the private sector is approximately $38,000.
Pres. Obama’s Stimulus program is purported to increase government employment rolls by up to 600,000. These new employees will feed off of taxpayers at a rate of an additional $4.68 Billion a year.

What do the dems propose to alleviate this hemorrhaging of money?

New taxes!

The new tax plan is to levy taxes on junk food. Under a recently announced plan, the American couch potato will soon be taxed for soda, potato chips, and other snack foods.

It is one thing to tax those evil coal fired power plants, but Coca Cola? Say it ain’t so, Barack!

If this tax scheme comes to fruition, the dentists and fat sucking (liposuction) docs should be up in arms. Without sugar rotting our teeth, and the fat from the over consumption of carbohydrates from junk food, the demand for luxury cars and Caribbean cruises will plummet!

Gone too will be all of those wordy advertisements and books promising to reveal the secret to being skinny and still eating yourself sick if you only take this super pill made from some strange just discovered sea creature’s urine. (Kind of like reading another biography of Sarah Palin, only more interesting.)

These highly paid folks will be reduced to driving a used Yugo-- all because Pelosi and Pres. Obama decided to tax our Cokes and (yuck) Pepsi and potato chips!

This may be the final straw—which you will no longer need for that Coke you can no longer afford—that drives GM and Chrysler to . . . communist China to have PRC slave labor build econo boxes for the newly impoverished in the U.S. who will no longer be able to afford a bag of potato chips much less a Cadillac or Lincoln.

What will life be without the crunch of potato chips while reading a book, or while watching a movie on the telly? (As if you will be able to afford the electricity, once the cap and trade carbon tax scheme is in place.)

The new health care scare will be skinny, overfit Americans—the natural outcome of reducing our carbohydrate and sugar consumption.

Doesn’t our President and Congress understand the negative impact of their actions?

Surely, Nancy Pelosi knows?!

Well, maybe not. She seems to be having trouble owing up to having been told about interrogation techniques used against terrorists.

What will the dems think of next?

Making pedophiles a protected class?

Yeah, right. Wait a minute . . . Senate Bill 909, isn’t that about . . . oh, good grief!

Democrats. Ya gotta love ‘em.

Remember to vote come 2010.

By then you will have lost so much weight from not being able to afford potato chips and soda, that you will be able to run to the polls!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

AGIA is Dead--published in the Alaska Journal of Commerce

your OP-ED is everywhere worldwide now thanks needed.
these type replies keep coming in to me!

ya did good old man.
it's one hell of a factual, well thought out piece.
and you are right!
LNG export from Valdez is our only hope.
and with a spur off it at Glennallen.....bringing the cheapest tariff posssible to South-Central consumers
plus NGL's for in-State new value-added industries!

not some mini Enstar Parks Highway line!!


Subject: Re: Opinion: Lower 48 develops huge gas reserves, rendering AGIA dead

Hey S..........once I finished reading this article, my first and only thought was a thoughtfully phrased "Well, no shit.....".
Best regards, Steve.
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 3:19 PM

Subject: Opinion: Lower 48 develops huge gas reserves, rendering AGIA dead

From the North,South,East and West, comes the messageSarah is out to lunch on instategas. She can't help but read the letters to the editor.
The e-mails
The phone calls
The pet. news articles
Larry Woods
I don't know whats wrong with her.
This instate gas with ANGDA isgetting up a head of steam
Logic and truth will prevail.
There's a reckoning coming up.I can't wait
As published in the Alaska Journal of Commerce 15 May, 2009:

Opinion: Lower 48 develops huge gas reserves, rendering AGIA dead
By Larry Wood

Alaska Journal of Commerce

Alaska has just been relegated to the back burner where any natural gas pipeline to the Lower 48 is concerned.
The Palin administration and its predecessors bet the bank on a 4 billion to 4.5 billion cubic foot per day pipeline that will never be built. AGIA (the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act) is now a dead end.
What happened? Some 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in shale deposits is now being developed in northern Louisiana.
Known as the Haynesville shale deposit, this deposit has been known for many years. Some estimates put the potential reserves at 1,600 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This formation is not unique.
The Barnett shale in Texas and many other such formations that run throughout the continental U.S. may hold as much as 2.2 quadrillion (2,200 trillion) cubic feet of natural gas. This is enough natural gas to fuel the U.S. demand for at least 100 years. Much longer if the upper-end estimates for the Haynesville shale prove to be anywhere close.
As with any of man's endeavors, technology keeps improving and what was impossible a few years ago is now possible. This is the situation with the shale formations. The drilling companies previously lacked the technology to exploit these deposits.
With the potential of these shale formations now in hand, the U.S. is awash in natural gas. The potential for this gas coming into production is very real; something that did not play into the planning of the big-diameter pipelines our governors seem to favor. The technology and strategies used today were not in place when former Gov. Tony Knowles first proposed his Alaska Highway route into the Lower 48.
AGIA is now relegated to the dustbin of history by virtue of the magnitude of the shale formation potential physically located within the U.S. market.
The Palin administration must see this and move forward to develop the only market available to it: the world, more particularly Asia, and preferably Japan and Taiwan.
The maximum amount of natural gas that can be moved off the North Slope and allow oil production to continue is about 2 billion cubic feet per day. This is because 2.5 billion cubic feet per day is required to keep the oil fields pressurized to maintain production.
Alaska must now focus on getting the 2 billion cubic feet of natural gas available to market.
What Gov. Sarah Palin must realize is that she had it right during the 2006 race. An all-Alaska pipeline of 1.5 billion cubic feet to 2 billion cubic feet capacity must be built from the North Slope to Valdez using the existing Trans-Alaska Pipeline System rights of way.
I understand that the permits are already largely in place to build the project.
Within five years, this pipeline could be moving gas to markets in Asia and elsewhere.
Keeping the all-Alaska natural gas pipeline at a level of 1.5 billion cubic feet of gas per day would give the required 500 million cubic feet of natural gas for a bullet line from Glennallen to Enstar's hub in Palmer. Fairbanks would receive natural gas from the main pipeline running down the TAPS right of way - just as was proposed during the 2006 campaign.
How does the state finance the project?
The precedent is already there in the manner in which the Alaska Railroad is run.
The Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority is in place and ready to move forward.
Use the permanent fund to provide collateral for necessary bonding.
Selling the natural gas in the world market would allow us to get the highest price. The Russians have shown that they are unreliable; therefore, there is opportunity. The customer could benefit from a consistent and dependable supply.
Providing for a regulatory environment that would encourage oil and gas exploration would ensure that Alaska would have adequate in-state development of these resources and an ever-expanding ability to use these resources to the maximum benefit of Alaskans.
It is going to take a leader to make such a shift in paradigm.
The choice is yours, governor. You can either rewrite the paradigm or your administration can continue to flounder and continue to make no headway. Or you can decide to change the paradigm, and move this state to a place that those of us who backed you thought we were headed, until AGIA.
Larry Wood is the general manager of Terra Resources Ltd., an environmental cleanup and remediation company based in Palmer. He is currently working in Canada on an oil services-related project.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

HR 1913 and S909 violates the 1st and 10th Amendments

"We also need to protect those potential victims who may be the recipients of hateful words or hateful acts, or even violent acts."

—Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D, TX) in support of The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HR 1913).

According to Rep. Jackson-Lee, a perceived slight may become a federal felony.

Worse is S 909 by Sen. Edward Kennedy and Sen. Patrick Leahy, both paragons of the left. In this bill, all 547 forms of sexual deviancy, including pedophilia, would become protected under the hate crimes gender identification definition.

Every pastor of a Christian church, or Imam of a Muslim mosque, or anyone in disagreement with the agenda of a protected group are now in jeopardy of federal hate crimes charges by perception of speech—whether written or verbal.

Any parent defending a child from leachery and the unwanted advances of a pervert could face federal charges for a hate crime against a pedophile.

There is nothing so repulsive to a Constitutional Republic as legislation that confers privilege, status, or otherwise sets apart from the body national a group for any reason.

The liberal democrat interpretation of what is constitutional has nothing to do with what is stated in the Constitution. To them, the Constitution must be reinterpreted in the context of the winds of political and social change. In other words, the Constitution is what they say it is when they are in power, not what is written.

Witness the use of the derogatory, colloquial “c” word for the female of the species by Paris Hilton to describe Miss California. For some reason, his offense is minor, but her defense of heterosexual marriage is offensive and of “concern” to the liberal press, and certainly hateful speech to Mr. Hilton, who is openly homosexual. Obviously, if one disagrees with him, he can publically insult in the most base manner without fear of condemnation. Under HR 1913, he may have cause to file criminal charges against Miss California and any who agree with her.

HR 1913 contains the threat to silence any speech not approved or otherwise agreeable to those so privileged to enjoy the benefits of HR 1913. S909 will give federal protection to the sexual deviant.

Only in this case, it is not the feds doing the charging, it will be any political subdivision that wants the money and is willing to act to support the liberal pogrom against free speech, the family, our children, Christianity, and the sanctity of the Constitution.

Once again the feds are suborning local law enforcement priorities to meet federal feel good political payback obligations to their lib supporters.

Will there be any real crime against a child, given S909 being so inclusive?

Crimes against children are just not a high enough priority in the liberal anti-family, pro abortion mind to warrant such focus and additional protection under the law.

Apparently, to the democrat majority in the Senate, and the House, there is no crime of sexual deviancy against children. Children are to be used with impunity as sexual toys.

S909 ensures that all children are now in jeopardy and that those so perverse as to attack a child sexually are protected.

What constitutes “hateful words” in the liberal mind?

Anything positive promoting family, religion, unity, patriotism, the sanctity of life, and the preservation of language, borders and culture--as so eloquently stated by Dr. Michael Savage.

It is not the idea of HR1913 that is disturbing. It is the intent of those who formulated the legislation and their counterparts in the Senate. Rep. Jackson-Lee’s comment should scare the living daylights out of all of us, but S909 should cause you to fear for your children.

This is the “change” promised by Pres. Barrack Obama?

Governor Sarah Palin and the Alaska Legislature should immediately pass a resolution reaffirming the Bill of Rights and firmly asserting the 10th Amendment rights of the State.

The federal government has no standing under the Constitution to foment such perversion of the law upon the States.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Alaska has just been relegated to the back burner where any natural gas pipeline to the lower 48 is concerned. The Palin Administration and its predecessors bet the bank on a 4-4.5 billion cubic foot per day pipeline that will never be built. AGIA is now a dead end.

What happened?

200 TRILLION cubic feet of natural gas in shale deposits now being developed in northern Louisiana. Known as the Haynesville Shale deposit, this deposit has been known for many years. Some estimates put the potential reserves at 1,600 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This formation is not unique.
The Barnett Shale in Texas and many other such formations that run throughout the continental U.S. may hold as much as 2,200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This is enough natural gas to fuel the U.S. demand for at least 100 years. Much longer if the upper end estimates for the Haynesville Shale prove to be anywhere close.

As with any of man’s endeavors, technology keeps improving and what was impossible a few years ago is now possible. This is the situation with the shale formations. The drilling companies previously lacked the technology to exploit these deposits.

With the potential of these shale formation now in hand, the U.S. now is awash in natural gas.

The potential for this gas coming into production is very real. Something that did not play into the planning of the big diameter pipelines our governors seem to favor. The technology and strategies used today were not in place when Tony Knowles first proposed his Alaska Highway route into the lower 48 states.

AGIA is now relegated to the dustbin of history by virtue of the magnitude of the shale formation potential physically located within the U.S. market. The Palin Administration must see this and move forward to develop the only market available to it: the world, more particularly, Asia, and, preferably, Japan and Taiwan.

The maximum amount of natural gas that can be moved off the North Slope and allow oil production to continue is about 2 billion cubic feet per day. This is because 2.5 billion cubic feet per day is required to keep the oil fields pressurized to maintain production.
Alaska must now focus on getting the 2 billion cubic feet of natural gas to market.
What Governor Palin must realize is that she had it right during the 2006 race. An all-Alaska pipeline of 1.5 billion cubic feet to 2 billion cubic feet capacity must be built from the North Slope to Valdez using the existing TAPS rights of way.

I understand that the permits are already largely in place to build the project.

Within 5 years this pipeline could be moving gas to markets in Asia and elsewhere.

Keeping the all-Alaska natural gas pipeline at a level of 1.5 billion cubic feet of gas per day would give the required 500 million cubic feet of natural gas for a bullet line from Glennallen to Enstar’s hub at Palmer. Fairbanks would receive natural gas from the main pipeline running down the TAPS right of way. Just as was proposed during the 2006 campaign.

How does the State finance the project?

The precedent is already there in the manner in which the Alaska Railroad is run.

The Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority is in place and ready to move forward.

Use the Permanent Fund to provide collateral for necessary bonding.

Selling the natural gas in the world market would allow us to get the highest price. The Russians have shown that they are unreliable, therefore, there is opportunity. The customer could benefit from a consistent and dependable supply.
Providing for a regulatory environment that would encourage oil and gas exploration would ensure that Alaska would have adequate in-state development of these resources and an ever expanding ability to use these resources to the maximum benefit of Alaskans.

It is going to take a leader to make such a shift in paradigm.

The choice is yours, Governor. You can either rewrite the paradigm, or your administration can continue to flounder and continue to make no headway. Or, you can decide to change the paradigm, and move this state to a place that those of us who backed you thought we were headed, until AGIA.

American Clean Energy Security Act of 2009

The cap and trade tax system to allegedly reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere proposed by Rep. Henry Waxman in the American Clean Energy Security Act of 2009 closely parallels that of a similar measure sponsored by now President Barack Obama in 2007. The idea is that corporations would have caps put on the amount carbon—from fossil fuels used to power their facilities—emitted into the atmosphere. If these corporations exceed that cap, then they must buy permits from the federal government for the excess carbon.

This plan does nothing to reduce carbon emissions. It does raise a spit load of money to spend and increase the cost of energy to we peons.

The expected revenue benefit to the government of the United States is estimated to be a minimum of $366,000,000,000 per year. (As estimated in S.309 introduced by then Sen. Obama in 2007.)

Who will pay that $366,000,000,000?

You and I will pay it. Corporations don’t pay taxes, the consumer pays the corporation’s taxes. Anybody over the age of 18 knows that.

As if your electric bill is not high enough now, just wait.

Then Sen. Obama admitted that his carbon tax scheme would cost the American taxpayer dearly in increased energy costs. That electricity cost would go up dramatically, as the natural gas and coal electric power plants pay under the cap and trade system.

Yet, Rep. Charlie Rangel and Rep. Henry Waxman are extolling the virtues of this bait and switch scheme by claiming that all of this money will go back to the people through new social programs and government services!

Another $366,000,000,000 expansion in government on top of the current $3.2 TRILLION just passed!

It is amazing how creative the liberal democrats are at finding ways to spend money that they do not even have coming into the coffers yet. One would think that they would figure out that the $3.2 TRILLION just appropriated has to be paid back sooner or later, and that the cap and tax money should be allocated to that purpose. No. More government!

How can these so called people’s representative look the press in the eye and lie without any compunction about being caught up in the lie?

Do they honestly think that we are that stupid?

Yes, they do. Barack Obama is now our President and Nancy Pelosi is Speaker.

That says it right there. They have every right to be contemptuous of the collective intellect of the voter. Worse, their constituents keep voting for their lying hides to keep raping the system and the American taxpayer.

In the midst of a recession, the depth and full impact of which has yet to be determined, the democrats are going to lay in at least $366,000,000,000 in new taxes to expand their social agenda. That is going to be the pin that popped any balloon that may be rising that represents recovery from the recession.

New taxes are not what is needed. Cutting spending is. (You reading this, Sarah?)

The democrats keep saying that they inherited this economic crisis from George Bush. Yes, he is partially to blame. However, CONGRESS writes the checks, and the President signs them. Bush did try to avert the impending mortgage crisis, but the democratic majority in Congress refused to act on reform for Freddie Mac and Fannie May.

Bush was his own worst enemy. He tried to out Clinton Congress by not fighting the opposing strategy of increasing the budget and increasing social programs by going along with Congress to steal the wind from the liberals’ sails. This strategy has backfired and cost the Republican Party the Whitehouse and Congress.

“Compassionate Conservatism” was an absolute failure. Karl Rove needs to have his cojones shoved up to his shoulder blades for advocating that bit of reverse psychology.

What is happening now, as represented by the cap and trade legislation is the socialist agenda in full array, and the unabashed liberal strategy of exploiting the crisis to the fullest extent to consolidate the power of the Democrat Congress and Presidency. Arlan Specter’s disaffection could not have come at a worse time.

Fortunately, people are not stupid, and they will figure this out sooner or later. Hopefully, no later than 2010. Then like with the Clinton regime, a balance will be restored by a Republican Congressional majority in both houses to offset a liberal out of control Whitehouse socialist agenda.

Please, Lord. Sooner, not later, BUT only if the Republican Party has learned its lesson: stick to the PLATFORM! Smaller government! Spend less!

Otherwise, history will repeat itself and we may as well let the dems crash and burn.