Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama sends a letter, George W. Bush called the family. . . .

Pres. Obama in his address to the nation this date stated that he signed letters to the families of those 4 G.I.s killed in Iraq by an IED today.

George W. Bush called the families personally of each and every soldier, sailor, Marine, and airman killed in the service of this country during his tenure as President.

That ladies and gentlemen is the difference between a Commander-in-Chief and a pretender. Our troops will get the message, and I am willing to bet that before Obama's first term is completed, the Marines who stand to assist those on and off the helicopters will once again refuse to about face to receive any orders from the President once he has exited the aircraft.


  1. "I am willing to bet that before Obama's first term is completed, the Marines who stand to assist those on and off the helicopters will once again refuse to about face to receive any orders from the President once he has exited the aircraft."

    Mr. Wood,
    Please explain when this happened before... I'm curious about your wording.

    I miss Talkeetna!

  2. "the Marines who stand to assist those on and off the helicopters will once again refuse to about face to receive any orders from the President once he has exited the aircraft."

    So that whole thing all the Bush-fans told me about "The president deserves respect simply because he holds the highest office in the country" really was bullshit. Good to know.

  3. Mr. Woods,
    You seem to be making the inference that since President Obama wrote letters to the families of soldiers killed in action, he could not have called them as well. Did it not occur to you that both actions are taken?
    You also seem to forget who put those soldiers there in the first place, sometimes ill-equipped. And you seem to forget who neglected to ensure that the resources to care for the veterans were in place.
    So does former President Bush personally call the families of the soldiers who have committed suicide due to this war?

  4. First thought: Bush was illiterate.

    Second thought: well, it was Bush's war anyway. A phone call was the least he could do.

    Third thought: Last I heard, Obama was aiming to stop the dying by finishing the war.

    But I guess that kinda stuff gets lost in the wash, up around Alaska way.

  5. Clinton was the first and only President to date who was accorded the snub by the Marines. Why? Because the Marines were not allowed to wear uniforms in the Whitehouse. A sign of disrespect to the Marines. That did not mean that they disrespected the office, just the man.

    Obama is a lib whose record shows he has a problem with the military. Give it time.

    BTW, my youngest spent a tour in Iraq.

    Bush was not the best CIC, but he did not let the FBI do the job of the USAF, USA, USMC, USN, or USCG in terms of fighting a war. Not a crime, war.

    Obama will fight terrorism as a crime and those who act against us as criminals, not enemies.

    Libs. I love 'em. Why, if only the jihadis would get to know us, they would love us. Yeah, right. Ask the survivors of the Polish engineer that was just beheaded.

    Or, better yet, the families and survivors of any of our troops that have been captured by these animals. Geneva Convention, what Geneva Convention? When was Al Qaida a signatory to the Geneva or Hague Conventions?

    Our troops captured are butchered and the pieces scattered.

    And, you idiots think Bush did a bad job on the war?

    When was the last time a bomb went off in a U.S. subway or in a train station or on a bus? Not because the jerks did not try.

    Bush haters. What fools.

  6. Good grief :) Bashing Bush and Alaska? After the initial irritaion, I am always amused at the childish jibes and inevitable Bush bashing the "anonymous" libs resort to. Having served in the Marines, and as a combat veteran who now serves in the Army Reserve, I believe I speak for the majority of service men and women when I say "Go ahead and keep bashing a president who actually loves our country and our military (Bush), your true colors show every time you use your keyboard." Oh, and for the freedom you employ, but seem so obviously despise?.. "You're welcome"
