Alaska has for too long accepted the current paradigm of education funding. Our school boards and the State Legislature and our Governors have been complacent in their acquiescence of an ever increasing regulatory burden in the classroom imposed by the federal government. In many instances this regulation has little or nothing to do with literacy, physical fitness, or logic, but has everything to do with imposing a social agenda that is anti-family, anti-religion, and anti-everything about the history and culture of the United States.
The agenda of the socialist aspect of the indoctrination of our children is fraught with the politically correct, rather than the reality of what these kids need to prepare them for life in our society and to compete in a global market place. Education was supposed to give them the basic tools: literacy, a certain level of understanding and competence in math and science, an understanding of geography, and an understanding of history.
After all, those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it.
I recently learned of what may be an insidious attempt by the Anchorage School District (ASD) to indoctrinate through Health Education. Instead of the classroom elementary teachers having health as one of their subjects, that subject will now be taught by a Health curriculum team from outside of the school who are going to be specifically trained. Trained in what is now the question.
This may be the means by which ASD incorporates the homosexual, anti-family agenda into the classroom. In other districts in the U.S., it is Health Education that is used to incorporate sexual orientation and sex education into elementary education at the lowest elementary grade levels.
What ASD does, Matanuska Susitna School District will soon attempt.
Instead of teaching our children to compete in an ever shrinking global economy, our federal Dept. of Education seems to believe that it is more important that a first grader understand sexual orientation, transgenderism and whether or not the kid can place a condom on a banana correctly. Reading and writing are obviously not a priority, given the number of kids that are illiterate and incapable of doing basic math, but who are graduated from high school in the name of not wanting to embarrass the kid by requiring meaningful graduation standards that must be met.
Society then pays the price for that failure through the criminal justice system. Society also pays otherwise as the labor force is then deficient and undereducated, meaning employers are forced to look overseas for qualified people.
When I was Iowa working this last year, I was surprised and disturbed at the number of Pakistanis, Indians, Mexicans, and other latinos in the work force there.
We have killed our replacement workforce through abortion and must now import that labor. And, we have impeded our young from qualifying for the job market by our acquiescence to a crippled education system.
How can we turn this mess around and return our schools to education of our young to be competitive, good citizens who have pride in their American heritage?
Get rid of the federal funding for our schools.
The Supreme Court has ruled that there is no obligation incurred if a subdivision of government refuses federal funds.
Federal funding comprises 8.9% of education funding in the U.S.
Federal funds comprise 3% of ASD’s budget for education.
Federal funds comprise 66% of the regulatory burden imposed upon the classroom including non-education related social experimentation.
Carol Como, Superintendent of Schools has stated that there are districts in U. S. that do not take federal funds for their schools.
Alaska can afford to eliminate the federal burden upon education. Alaska can go its own way. Alaska can end the social experiment that is our schools and return education to the dominance that it should have as the primary purpose of those schools.
Let our teachers teach, not transgenderism, not homosexual this and that, but literacy, math, science, and history. Let them demand and receive from our children . . . excellence!
Let us change this mess, and remove federal regulation and federal interference from our classrooms in Alaska.
Sarah Palin, where is the new deal in education? Why is it just more of the same under your administration?
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