Yon’s recent piece on his online dispatches points out that although 17 years of age, Trayvon Martin was eligible for military service. Yon then goes on to point out the many examples of teens who joined the U.S. military at 17 and even younger. Men who served their country with distinction and honor, including earning the nation’s highest award for valor in their teens.
PFC Milton Olive III, age 18, United States Army, B Company, 2 Battalion, 503 Infantry, 173 ABN Brigade, was awarded the Medal of Honor for sacrificing himself by falling on a grenade on an operation near Phu Cuong, RVN on 22 October, 1965 to prevent his fellow soldiers from being injured or killed. PFC Olive III was a black American soldier. Olive’s citation reads:
“For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Pfc. Olive was a member of the 3d Platoon of Company B, as it moved through the jungle to find the Viet Cong operating in the area. Although the platoon was subjected to a heavy volume of enemy gunfire and pinned down temporarily, it retaliated by assaulting the Viet Cong positions, causing the enemy to flee. As the platoon pursued the insurgents, Pfc. Olive and four other soldiers were moving through the jungle together with a grenade was thrown into their midst. Pfc. Olive saw the grenade, and then saved the lives of his fellow soldiers at the sacrifice of his by grabbing the grenade in his hand and falling on it to absorb the blast with his body. Through his bravery, unhesitating actions, and complete disregard for his safety, he prevented additional loss of life or injury to the members of his platoon. Pfc. Olive's extraordinary heroism, at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country. “
Instead of remembering heroes like PFC Olive III, there are acts of violence and destruction in the name of Trayvon Martin. There are “knock out games” and “polar bear hunting” to encourage violence and disrespect in black youth. Yet, there are so many who serve, so many who have families, who contribute and live law abiding and honorable lives. No mention of them, just Trayvon Martin.
There is a park at 500 N. Lake Shore Drive in Chicago named after Milton Olive III.
To President Barack Hussein Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson: Where are the parades and marches in HONOR of PFC Milton Olive III?
The youngest Medal of Honor recipient was Willie Johnson, a Drummer Boy in the Union Army in the Civil war serving with Company D of the 3d Vermont Infantry. Johnson enlisted at age 11 on 11 December, 1861. He was 5ft tall. His father was also a member of the same regiment. Johnson was cited for bravery during the Seven Days of Retreat during the Penninsula Campaign from 25 June-1 July 1862.
2LT Audie Murphy enlisted in the U.S. Army at age 18 after being turned down the USMC and the Army paratroopers for being underweight and too small. He had 5 years of schooling and was orphaned at age 16. He was 5ft 5in tall and weighed 110 lbs upon enlistment. Audie Murphy earned the Medal of Honor for a defensive action on 26 January, 1945 in the Bois de Riedwihr near Holzwihr, France. He led the 18 survivors of B Company against vastly superior German forces. Audie Murphy was the most decorated U.S. soldier to come out of WWII. Murphy wrote that “War is a nasty business, to be avoided if possible, and to be gotten over with as soon as possible. It’s not the sort of job that deserves medals.” Murphy went on to a film career after the war.
Yon gives many examples of young Americans who decided to serve their country at a young age. Some, dying at a young age. Many of those listed went on to become notables in this country’s history.
Michael Yon points that Scott Halverston became the youngest member the U.S. Navy Seals at age 17. No one has since matched that feat.
How many black Americans remember much less honor PFC Milton Olive III’s sacrifice for his fellow soldiers and his country?
Contrast the heroes above who have served and sacrificed for this country with the protests over Trayvon Martin’s death. The race baiters, liberal media and liberal politicians march in protest to a trial that was conducted under the most intense media and political scrutiny and still howl for a different outcome in the face of the facts. They continually mischaracterize Martin as a mere “child” who was unfairly killed, instead of the 6ft 2in gansta wanna be of questionable character that he was.
The question the parents of Trayvon Martin need to ask themselves, given the number of black American soldiers who’ve sacrificed their lives in the service of their country and those former service members and those still serving, why did they not point Trayvon in that direction rather than the path to destruction that he was most certainly headed down the night of his encounter with George Zimmerman?
Martin was already bragging about his tendency towards violence, and his drug use is a fact. His Skittles and tea the night of his death were not childish treats, as the media would like to proclaim, but part of the ingredients for a drug called “lean” or “purple drank”, popular with the hip hop culture. All he needed to finish the concoction was Robitussin or another prescription cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine.
Yon’s piece paints a different picture for what Martin could have become. He further shatters the media myth that a 17 year old is a ‘child’.
MICHAEL YON’s Race Baiting and Lies in America
Information about PFC Milton Olive can be found at: http://corregidor.org/heritage_battalion/moh/olive.html
Willie Johnson:
2LT Audie Murphy:
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