Is the legal noose around Young's neck getting tighter?
If the legal fees are any indication, this is a situation of diminishing returns for Alaska.
It is time for Rep. Don Young's career in the U.S. House to end while it still can with a modicum of dignity for him, and for Alaska.
This situation is rife with opportunity for Sarah Palin. Sarah's greatest criticizm has been that she is unprepared for and lacks experience for national executive office. Running for Young's seat would give her credibility, experience, a national podium for a future run for President, and give Alaska a new voice in the House.
Can you imagine Sarah Palin debating Nancy Pelosi on the House floor?!
Speaker Pelosi would not stand a chance against Sarah. Nor, would Sarah Palin be silent on the attack against the family. HB1913 would not have been so quietly debated and easily passed with Sarah Palin in the House.
Sarah would have a national podium for criticizing the Democrat demagogues and for furthering the pro-life, pro-family, traditinal values and patriotic agenda of the conservative movement. Too, Sarah would have to be either conservative, or lose her followers, should she slip into Palin Alsaka Governor mode and deny her campaign promises by her record.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski was appointed to the United States Senate by her father, then sitting Gov. Frank Murkowski. At the time, Rep. Lisa Murkowski had stood for reelection to the State House and won the race by a mere 44 votes. Lisa's reputation was that of the most liberal RINO in the Alaska House. Since her appointment as a Senator, Senator Murkowski has become a Republican conservative icon.
This is what I believe can happen with Sarah Palin, should she decide to unseat Young. She could easily win that race.
Sarah has an opportunity to put her critcs to rest, by running for Congress and emulating Murkowski's success. 3 terms as a Representative in the U.S. House would end criticizm of her lacking credibility and experience. She would have a national record to tout. This is a win-win for Palin. Even one term of 2 years would be credible experience, as Pres. Obama only had 2 full years in the Senate before he began running full time for President.
What would this mean for Alaska?
An opportunity to:
- Redress the rights of way restrictions contained in ANILCA
- Promote resource development across the board
- A strong voice for using domestic energy resources and opening ANWR to drilling
- A new voice for all Alaskans
- Address Alaska's needs from a new perspective
Sarah would not be quiet, and her notoriety and national standing would give her ample media coverage.
Sarah running for Young's seat could be a very good thing for Sarah and Alaska.
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